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Fifteen adventurous souls ventured out on the Prefumo Canyon trail on Friday 1/17/25.  We last hiked this trail on 1/19/24.  Although the latest track varies from the original because the BogThistle leg was closed due to bridge repair, the totals adhered very close to plan. We hiked 3.6 miles instead of 3.5.  We took about 20 minutes longer at 2:56.  At the inflection point of the like, we split into two groups with Carl and Chris following the original plan to Vista Point at 977 feet.  The remainder went left to a slightly higher elevation of 1037 feet for a total hike elevation CHANGE of 882 feet.  The view from Vista Point is better and there is a bench!

The trail was mostly in the UP direction and served to help get our mitochondria in shape for the 5.9 mile 985 foot elevation change hike to the TV tower west of Cuesta Peak coming up on 3/21/25.  Our NEXT hike on 2/7/25 will be the Eagle Rock Trail East of Cuesta College.  The Eagle Rock hike is only 3 miles with a 589 foot elevation change.

One of the things that today’s Prefumo Canyon hike made crystal clear is that the signs on the trail (i.e. trail names) do NOT always agree with the Alltrails map.  This may be due to overlapping trails, but it places emphasis on the importance of carrying a GPS and also a copy of the map handout.  The map shows the planned route; the GPS shows where you actually are, and the trail signs, well, they are there to make things interesting.  The Prefumo Canyon Road street sign at the intersection with Los Osos Valley road is probably sitting in someone’s dorm room.  Special thanks to Barbara for the pictures.

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